This is the registry server of sn0int, a semi-automatic OSINT framework and package manager. It was built for IT security professionals and bug hunters to gather intelligence about a given target or about yourself. sn0int is enumerating attack surface by semi-automatically processing public information and mapping the results in a unified format for followup investigations.
The registry server allows uploading modules that can be installed by users afterwards. This is done using sn0int which needs to be installed.
To install a module run:
sn0int pkg install kpcyrd/ctlogs
[ accounts ]
- kpcyrd/github 0.2.0 Collect data from github profiles
- kpcyrd/keybase 0.2.0 Collect accounts and emails from keybase accounts
- kpcyrd/keybase-profiles 0.1.0 Find keybase proofs for online accounts
- kpcyrd/steam 0.2.0 Collection information from steam profiles
- kpcyrd/twitch 0.1.2 Collect information from twitch streams
- kpcyrd/npm 0.1.1 Discover email and other profiles from npm accounts
- kpcyrd/whatsmyname 0.2.0 Scan for social media accounts using WebBreachers WhatsMyName json
- kpcyrd/soundcloud 0.1.0 Collect information from soundcloud pages
- kpcyrd/tiktok 0.1.0 Collect data from tiktok profiles
- kpcyrd/tellonym 0.1.0 Import data from tellonym accounts
- imdyske/tinder 0.1.0 Search tinder for profiles
- imdyske/fediverse 0.1.0 Uses to search for accounts on the fediverse
- kpcyrd/archive-org 0.1.0 Collect information about an profile
- kpcyrd/instagram 0.2.0 Collect data from instagram profiles
- kpcyrd/pornhub 0.1.0 Collect accounts and infos from pornhub profiles
- kpcyrd/namechk 0.4.0 Find accounts by username with
- kpcyrd/chaturbate 0.3.0 Collect information from chaturbate streams
- kpcyrd/patreon 0.1.0 Collect information from patreon profiles
- kpcyrd/venmo 0.1.1 Fetch data from venmo profiles
- kpcyrd/chaturbate-mods 0.2.0 Add mods in chaturbate rooms to scope
- kpcyrd/deviantart 0.1.0 Collect data and images from deviantart profiles
- kpcyrd/protondb 0.1.0 Collect system information and steam handles from protondb profiles
- kpcyrd/eporner 0.1.0 TODO your description here
- kpcyrd/periscope 0.1.0 Collect broadcasts from a periscope account
- kpcyrd/letterboxd 0.2.0 Collect information from profiles
- kpcyrd/chefkoch 0.1.0 Collect information from profiles
[ cryptoaddrs ]
- kpcyrd/crypto-detect 0.2.0 Detect crypto currency from address
- kpcyrd/btc-blockchain-info 0.1.0 Read tx history of bitcoin addresses
- kpcyrd/zec-zchain 0.1.0 Read tx history of transparent zcash addresses
[ domains ]
- kpcyrd/ctlogs 0.7.0 Query certificate transparency logs to discover subdomains
- kpcyrd/hackertarget-subdomains 0.2.0 Query hackertarget for subdomains of a domain
- kpcyrd/waybackurls 0.4.0 Discover subdomains from wayback machine
- kpcyrd/axfr 0.3.0 Try a zone transfer for subdomains
- kpcyrd/otx-subdomains 0.3.0 Query alienvault otx passive dns for subdomains of a domain
- kpcyrd/threatminer-subdomains 0.3.0 Query ThreatMiner passive dns for subdomains of a domain
- kpcyrd/keybase-domains 0.1.0 Find keybase proofs for domains
- kpcyrd/apex-domain 0.1.0 Create subdomain entries for apex domains
- kpcyrd/dns-mx-domains 0.1.1 Discover mail server from MX records for domain
- kpcyrd/dns-ns 0.1.0 Add a domains NS records to scope
- kpcyrd/virustotal-subdomains 0.1.2 Collect subdomains from virustotal data
- kpcyrd/pwndb-domains 0.1.1 Read breached credentials by domain from pwndb hidden service (requires tor)
- ysf/github-subdomains 0.2.0 gathers subdomains via github
- kpcyrd/pgp-pks-domains 0.4.0 Query pgp keyserver for email addresses
- kpcyrd/pgp-keyserver 0.3.2 Query pgp keyserver for email addresses
- ncosnard/whois-email 0.1.0 Get email addresses from domain WHOIS data
- kpcyrd/intelx-domain 0.2.0 Discover subdomains, emails and urls from
- kpcyrd/tld-scan 0.1.0 Search for the same domain base on all TLDs
- kpcyrd/spyse-subdomains 0.2.0 Request subdomains from
- kpcyrd/ptrarchive 0.1.0 Try to discover subdomains from
- kpcyrd/thunderbird-autoconfig 0.2.0 Query thunderbird autoconfig db for subdomains
- manamonio/export 0.1.1 Export data
[ emails ]
- kpcyrd/smtp-check 0.3.0 Verify email address by asking the smtp server
- ysf/hibp 0.2.1 check email addresses for pw leaks using v3 of hibp api
- kpcyrd/dns-mx-emails 0.1.0 Discover mail server from MX records for emails
- ysf/leakprobe 0.1.0 Check email/pw leaks via API
- kpcyrd/pgp-vks 0.2.0 Find alternative emails with vks lookups
- rickmer/hibp 0.1.0 check email addresses for known password leaks
- kpcyrd/pwndb-emails 0.1.0 Read breached credentials for an email from pwndb hidden service (requires tor)
- kpcyrd/protonmail-pks 0.1.0 Verify protonmail addresses through protonmail keyserver
[ images ]
- kpcyrd/exif 0.1.1 Extract exif data from images
- kpcyrd/images 0.1.0 Parse image metadata
- kpcyrd/nudity 0.1.0 Scan collected images for nudity
- kpcyrd/img-hash 0.1.0 Calculate perceptual image hashes
[ ipaddrs ]
- kpcyrd/geoip 0.1.0 Run a geoip lookup for an ip address
- kpcyrd/asn 0.1.0 Run a asn lookup for an ip address
- kpcyrd/dns-ptr 0.2.0 Run reverse dns lookups
- kpcyrd/threatminer-ipaddr 0.3.0 Query ThreatMiner passive dns for subdomains of an ip address
- kpcyrd/whois-ip2netblock 0.1.0 Lookup the netblock from an ip using whois
- kpcyrd/viewdns-reverseip 0.1.0 Search for domains pointing to ip
- thomaspujol69/nmap-viewdns-reverseip 0.1.0 Search for a domain pointing to specified ip thanks to nmap
[ networks ]
- kpcyrd/wigle-ssid-location 0.1.0 Use triangulated network location from wardriving data
[ notifications ]
- kpcyrd/notify-telegram 0.1.0 Send a notification with telegram
- kpcyrd/notify-discord 0.1.2 Send a notification with discord
- kpcyrd/notify-signal 0.1.0 Send a notification with signal
- kpcyrd/notify-pushover 0.1.0 Send a notification with pushover
- kpcyrd/notify-slack 0.1.1 Send a notification with slack
[ phonenumbers ]
- kpcyrd/twilio-lookup 0.1.1 Retrieve additional information about a phone number
- kpcyrd/whatsapp 0.1.0 Fetch public profile info from whatsapp
- kpcyrd/telefonbuch-reverse 0.1.0 Run phonenumber reverse lookups on
- kpcyrd/dasoertliche-reverse 0.1.0 Run phonenumber reverse lookups on
- kpcyrd/tellows 0.1.0 Query for comments for phonenumbers
- kpcyrd/wemgehoert 0.1.0 Query for comments for phonenumbers
[ subdomains ]
- kpcyrd/dns-resolve 0.3.1 Query subdomains to discover ip addresses and verify the record is visible
- kpcyrd/url-scan 0.5.3 Scan subdomains for websites
- kpcyrd/cname-harvest 0.3.0 Query for CNAMES to find subdomains
- kpcyrd/shodan-certs 0.1.0 Find IPs using certificates for target subdomains
- kpcyrd/wkd-scanner 0.1.0 Scan for open wkd directories and farm emails from pubkeys
- kpcyrd/tls-san-scan 0.2.1 Import domains and subdomains from SAN certificates
[ urls ]
- kpcyrd/passive-spider 0.3.0 Scrape known http responses for urls
- kpcyrd/git-webroot 0.1.0 Search for git checkouts in webroot
- kpcyrd/phpmyadmin 0.2.0 Search for phpmyadmin
- kpcyrd/well-known-uris 0.2.0 Scan for known /.well-known/ locations
- kpcyrd/url-index-spider 0.1.0 Index open directories
- kpcyrd/url-titles 0.1.0 Scan cached http responses for html titles
- kpcyrd/url-rescan 0.1.0 Send an http request and update our cached response
- kpcyrd/embedded-maps 0.1.0 TODO your description here
[ none ]
- kpcyrd/irc-monitor 0.3.0 Monitor an irc network for users
- rickmer/ct-sub-domains 0.1.1 Retrieve names of ssl protected (sub)domains from certificate transparancy logs using cert spotter (
- kpcyrd/arp-scan 0.3.0 Parse arp-scan output
- kpcyrd/passive-arp 0.1.0 Passive arp-scanner with sniffglue
- kpcyrd/google-search-monitor 0.1.0 Monitor google search results
- kpcyrd/chaturbate-chat 0.2.0 Monitor rooms for non-broadcasting users
- kpcyrd/home-assistant-devices 0.1.0 Query device location from home assistant
- kpcyrd/iw-station-dump 0.2.0 Parse iw station dump
- kpcyrd/cve-2014-8244 0.1.0 Get connected devices from linksys router via JNAP
- kpcyrd/isc-dhcpd-leases 0.2.0 Parse isc-dhcpd dhcpd.leases(5)
- ShahNami/export 0.0.1 Exporter
- kpcyrd/ddwrt-dhcp 0.2.0 Export dhcp leases from ddwrt webinterface
- kpcyrd/irc-logger 0.1.0 Monitor irc channels for messages
- kpcyrd/archlinux-uploads 0.1.1 Monitor archlinux packaging activity
- kpcyrd/openwrt-clients 0.1.0 Monitor luci ubus for connected wifi clients
- kpcyrd/discord-free-epic-games 0.1.0 Notify a discord webhook about free epic games
- KuriousKid/first 0.1.0 TODO your description here